Sydney Opera House offers three-tier programme at Centre for Creativity
The Ove Arup Foundation is working with Sydney Opera House (SOH) to support a three-stream built-environment programme called SOH Build.
The foundation’s support will run for three years, through SOH’s 50th anniversary year in 2023. SOH BUILD consists of three streams, to be delivered to 1,140 people in SOH’s Centre for Creativity, with capacity for many more online:
Stream 1: Secondary School Student Design Challenge (twice per year) aimed at young people in years 9 and 10. Sixty students from different schools across both years will participate in a week-long intensive course at SOH. Engaging in a holistic journey through STEAM as applied to the SOH, students will take on a costume and sustainability design challenge.
Stream 2: Tertiary Students Built Environment Creative Lab (once per year) will enable tertiary students to explore their developing professional skills in the context of a real-life design challenge. Across nine days, students will gather a variety of different STEAM, built-environment and human-centred design perspectives to equip them for a future-facing built-environment design challenge to be solved in collaborative interdisciplinary teams.
Stream 3: Public Program Education series (three times per year) aimed at built-environment professionals and the general public. This programme will explore how engineering, architecture, urban planning, social sciences, the arts and creative and critical thinking can best respond to meet the future challenges of society as identified by the Sustainable Development Goals.